Custom made, Computer Vision based head tracking software made using OpenCV, DLib and OpenTrack to communicate with game.
I chose C# so I can learn .NET and WPF. Had to do with wrapper libraries for OpenCV and DLib but it does the job.
Prototype complete, tested on Elite Dangerous, need to do a lot of optimization, clean up the code and make the tracker overall smoother.
The core elements have been implemented where: OpenCV captures frames from webcame/DroidCam url. Dlib model used to extract face landmarks. OpenCV used again to projected into 3D space then the head yaw calculated from the rotational matrix. This data is send to the OpenTrack input UPD socket. Need to experiment with other method to possible improve this.
Will add more after testing
Nice software to support head tracking in a large variety of games Has a UPD port which listens for the head tracking data then it translates to which ever game the user wants
Open source model from Could look into using a lighter weight one to improve performance.